information age.Increasingly, the Internet—and particularly the World Wide Web—is being
used by business, education, extension, government and individuals to communicate and rapidly
deliver information to anyone, anywhere around the world.Now too, IDFTA has joined the
information age with an enhanced IDFTA World Wide Web site, including our own World Wide
Web domain name,
little ones, personal, and business ones, all transferring information that is available from any
kind of computer.Simply put, it is a tool that lets you share information with millions of people
all over the world, both in written text and, perhaps more importantly, with pictures and graphics.
The old adage “a picture is worth a thousand words” is one of the reasons the web is growing so
fast.Visualize the World Wide Web as textual and graphical learning links to information
resources on all aspects of tree fruit production from around the world.Think of it as a research
paper that lets each footnote take you right to the original source of information!
1958, “to promote an understanding of the nature and use of dwarf fruit trees through research,
education and dissemination of information, and share information with its membership on a
world-wide scale.”Our web presence is a perfect complement to our traditional (and recently
updated) publicationCompact Fruit Tree.
The IDFTA WWW site will enhance the
dissemination of knowledge and likely expand our membership worldwide.As you can see, we
view the IDFTA WWW presence as a way to increase our exposure to others, thereby
strengthening and enhancing our membership and professionalism as an organization.
membership contact information including Business Director, Education Director, Annual
Conference Coordinator, and IDFTA Board of Directors
a calendar of upcoming annual conferences and summer tours
an index ofCompact Fruit Tree
articles dating back to 1995 (Vol. 28)
selected full-text articles from recent issues ofCompact Fruit Tree
summer tour highlights, including photos
and IDFTA news
IDFTA Conference in the year 2,000,’ or you were not able to attend the 1998 IDFTA Summer
Tour in Virginia, point your computer ’s web browser to think you
will find what you are looking for, and perhaps even more!
We welcome all feedback and suggestions, so let us know
what you would like to see on your WWW site.Our goal is to make it an indispensable service
provided to meet your needs as fruit growers and members of IDFTA.
<> or Jon Clements at <>, or by fax(908-
806-4735) or by snail mail (4 Gauntt Place, Flemington, NJ 08822 USA).